December 1, 2024
Stop Buying Hopes to Break Free from Poverty

We’ve all heard the phrase, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”
It’s often used to reflect the perceived economic inequality and social division that seems to define the world we live in. But…
what if this statement isn’t just a cold, hard truth? What if it’s a reflection of something deeper?
The truth behind this saying is that those with wealth have an inherent advantage.
They have access to better investments, education, and more powerful networks—things that allow their wealth to grow where, those without resources face systemic barriers that limit their ability to break free.
You and I, as individuals, want to prove this wrong, at least in our own lives.
We want to find a way to rise above, to escape the limitations that the world imposes on us. So, we start researching ways to break the cycle.
And what do we find? We find a world full of internet gurus—self-proclaimed finance experts—telling us that
“Money has secrets and rules. Play by them, and there’s nothing in the universe that can stop you from becoming rich.”
They tell us that the path to wealth is simple:
- set aside a portion of your income for investment before spending on anything else.
- invest your savings to generate passive income.
- learn about finance and investing before making decisions.
- focus on building wealth through consistent effort and sound financial principles.
- prioritize essential expenses over luxury items.
On paper, this all sounds good.
But there’s one problem that we can't ignore: In places like India, the average income is just $382 USD per month. Even if you manage to save or invest, inflation can quickly eat away at your progress before you even start seeing real returns. Wealth creation, as they suggest, feels out of reach.
But today, we have something that’s more valuable than ever—access to knowledge and skills. We can learn what’s in demand, develop valuable abilities, and leverage them to create wealth, not just for ourselves, but for others as well.
If we look closely, we’ve already been investing in ourselves—since childhood we’ve been striving for a better future, going through the motions of formal education, believing that it would take us somewhere meaningful.
Yet, you and I both know the truth—formal education often doesn’t provide the skills needed to succeed in today’s world.
The people around us, many of whom are unaware of their own limitations, continue to follow traditional paths, oblivious to the fact that they too could be so much more.
We look at those who have excelled despite a lack of resources—people who have mastered specific skills, show up their own identities, and created financial freedom for themselves.
They are our inspirations.
And now, after realizing what we can do, the next step seems clear:
we must acquire the same skills that others have used to break free.
This is the time we all hit a wall, we all hit a wall. You purchase courses, thinking this will be the ticket to your success and you never finish them.
Procrastination, lack of motivation, or simply getting distracted by the next shiny object keeps us from following through.
I see this trend everywhere—students rushing to buy courses, believing that a few simple lessons will magically help them to success, without fully understanding what they’re truly investing in.
Today’s internet is designed to make you feel good—at every first place.
The online world is a constant barrage of resources, influencers, and gurus who are masters of persuasion.
Their goal is simple: to make you feel inspired enough to click buy—to sell you a course and pocket the profits.
I’m not saying courses are inherently bad. What I am saying is that many of us are investing in courses without fully understanding what we’re getting into, what we’re prepared to put in, or what we expect to get out of it.
We chase the dream without the context or commitment, and as a result, we buy course after course, but never finish them. This leads to empty pockets and broken promises.
This cycle must end, because if you continue down this path, the rich—those same internet gurus with better resources and opportunities—will only keep getting richer, while you, in your pursuit of skills, will not only see your money vanish, but it will begin to affect more than just your finances.
It impacts your mental health, your confidence, your self-esteem—and most dangerously, it halts your growth altogether.
This is how you slowly become poorer—not just in wealth, but in mindset and potential.
That’s why I’m writing this to you—before you invest in the next shiny course or so-called shortcut, you need to ask yourself: What is it that I’m really after? What am I willing to put into this? And most importantly, what outcomes am I truly seeking?
It’s All Within You (1:0)
It all begins with clarity—clarity in what you’re willing to put in, and clarity in what you expect to get out.
Think about the last time you decided to take on a new course, invest in a new skill, or dive into a new project.
How did it go?
Were you fully committed, or did you start out feeling excited but soon found yourself lost in the middle, unsure of what you were really trying to achieve?
I remember the first time I decided to invest in a new online course. The pitch was strong, the promises were clear. "Learn to make passive income." "Build wealth." "Become financially free."
I was hooked. I felt motivated, and for a brief moment I was assuming my success.
But as I started the course, something started to feel off.
I’d spend hours on the material, but as I moved forward, I realized I hadn’t really thought about what I was putting in. Sure, I had invested my money, but what about the time? The energy? The effort required to truly absorb and apply the lessons? Does it really interests me?.
Deeper I think I understood—what did I actually expect to get out of it? Was it just the promise of financial freedom, or was I also hoping for something more: perhaps a stronger social network, or personal development? or desire to work on the same thing I am learning for the rest of my life without getting bored? Was I clear on the exact outcomes I was hoping for?
This is where so many people go wrong—they dive into courses, skills, and opportunities without truly understanding what they are looking to get and what they are prepared to put in.
If you want real results, you need to take the time to think about it deeply.
The input and output need to align.
What can you actually dedicate?
Be honest with yourself. Are you prepared to spend hours each week learning and applying this skill for months if not years? Or are you expecting things to happen on their own? Are you willing to put in energy when it gets hard, when motivation dips?
It’s not just about the financial outcome, either. It’s about what you truly want from your investment—whether that’s financial growth, social capital (your network, your influence), or personal development. Be clear on which outcome you’re chasing. Otherwise, you’re just aimlessly taking random actions and hoping for the best.
If you can’t clearly define what you expect to gain from your efforts, you’re just throwing your time and energy into the void.
You might get some temporary satisfaction from completing a module or hearing a to internet gurus, but in the long run, you’ll be left with nothing substantial to show for it.
It’s simple—if there’s no outcome, or no clear understanding of the outcome, just don’t bother.
It’s better to leave it alone than to keep chasing something you don’t fully understand.
When you invest in yourself, it has to be purposeful. It’s about realizing your own reality—what can you truly commit to, and what do you genuinely want in return?
Before you make another decision to sign up for something or invest your energy somewhere, ask yourself:
- What will I be giving?
- What do I expect to get in return?
- Is this the right outcome for me right now?
Take note. This might sound simple but most miss it. It can be the most powerful realization so you make all the difference.
It’s All What They Are (0:1)
The internet is a blessing—a powerful tool for growth, education, and self-leverage. Yet, as much as it can be an invaluable resource, it has also become a playground for cheap dopamine.
Every time you scroll, you’re shown up with posts, ads, and videos designed to make you feel good.
We’ve all been there: a post pops up, an influencer promises the secret to financial freedom. Suddenly, you feel a rush of motivation. You click. You buy. You sign up.
Everyone on the internet has one thing in mind: making you feel good.
It's a game, and the players are masters of persuasion.
With strong diction, an air of credibility, and slick persuasive tactics, they know exactly how to push your emotional buttons to sell their products.
The best part? They make it feel so personal—like they understand you, like they’re speaking directly to your dreams.
But remember, they’re doing their job.
They’re playing the game to get financially free, just like anyone else.
That’s not inherently wrong.
What’s wrong is when the line between persuasion and deception blurs.
These gurus often build their empire by selling false hopes. They know the algorithm, they know your pain points, and they know exactly how to make you believe that by just buying their course, your life will change forever.
you can make money through money. Be aware of the fact that many online gurus inflate their credibility with fake followers, paid reviews, or artificial hype.
This is where you need to be vigilant.
As someone who’s looking to invest in yourself, it’s your job to do your research.
Don't fall for the illusion. Don't spend your hard-earned money on hopes that aren’t grounded in reality.
Before you buy a course or invest in someone’s advice, you need to check their authenticity.
Look at their career graph. What have they actually achieved? What skills are they teaching, and do they even have the expertise to teach them?
Their success should not just be about selling you a course; it should be about them demonstrating tangible results and real value that you can learn from.
Don’t get me wrong.
I’m not saying you should distrust everyone on the internet.
Some gurus genuinely provide value and are beneficial if you know exactly what you’re looking for. But you should always question the authenticity of their work.
Be clear about your own needs and desires. If someone promises you the moon, but you have no idea what you're really after, you’ll always end up empty-handed. Just because they offer free bonuses, discounts, or a cheaper price doesn’t mean you should rush in. In fact, those things often act as distractions from the bigger question: What do you want to achieve?
If you're serious about reaching your goals, be prepared to do the work—not just to consume what’s handed to you.
If you are already prepared with your own expectations and goals, you’ll be able to navigate the noise and make wiser choices.
Here’s the fun fact: if you’re really interested in what these gurus are doing—if you’re genuinely drawn to the process—you can become one of them. You can build your own empire, share your expertise, and influence others. Don’t hate on the people doing this—it’s a skill. It’s something I admire deeply. But before you start, be clear on your own path. Understand the game you’re getting into. Only then can you play successfully.
So, before you hand over your money to the next internet sensation promising to change your life, ask yourself:
- Is this person authentic?
- What are they really teaching me?
- Is their path the one I want to follow?
Because if you’re clear about what they are and what you want, you’ll be able to make the right choices, and not fall victim to cheap dopamine.
It’s all about feedback (1:1)
You’ve just bought the course. You’re excited, eager, ready to change your life. You set aside time, dive in, and begin learning the material.
Along the way, The next thing you know, days go by, and you haven’t made any progress. The course sits untouched. It sounds familiar right?
This is the reality for more than 80% of people who start courses with the best of intentions.
It’s not that they’re lazy.
It’s not that the course isn’t valuable.
It’s simply that the human mind isn’t designed to sustain long-term focus on a single goal without support.
With distractions at every turn—whether from your environment, the never-ending notifications, or the challenges of daily life—it is tough to stay focused on one thing and cross through to the finish line. It’s not about willpower or grit alone. Your mind needs something more.
This is where feedback comes in.
No matter how clear you are on your goals, or how great the course material is, without feedback, you’re not going to progress.
If you were learning to play an instrument, would you only practice on your own, without anyone listening or giving you pointers?
It’s the same principle.
You can learn all the theory you want, but until someone with more experience tells you where you’re going wrong and where you can improve, you’ll never reach your full potential.
A course is great for learning concepts, but mentorship is what get you know about your understanding.
A mentor doesn’t just pass on knowledge—they guide you through challenges, provide real-time feedback, and help you tweak your approach.
They create a space for you to get answers to your specific questions and a community to bounce ideas off of.
The right mentorship can catapult your learning to levels a course alone simply can’t achieve.
When you have a space where you can ask questions, share your struggles, and receive constructive criticism, you start to see growth that would otherwise take years to achieve.
The feedback you get from others—especially those who are ahead of you on the same path—becomes a key ingredient in your success.
The most important feedbacks you should be
- Constructive Feedback: Actionable advice to improve and correct mistakes.
- Mentorship Feedback: Personalized guidance from someone with expertise.
- Peer Feedback: Insights from others at a similar level to provide new perspectives.
- Goal-Oriented Feedback: Feedback focused on progress towards specific, measurable outcomes.
As you dive into your next course, remember this: Feedback isn’t optional—it’s essential
If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go with feedback
The 1:0 | 0:1 | 1:1 Framework (Stop buying hopes)
1:0 – It Starts With You
Self-awareness is key. Before you invest in anything—time, money, or energy—be clear on what you’re ready to put in and what you expect to get out. Your mindset matters for all your future.
Takeaway: Know yourself first, or nothing will work.
0:1 – It’s About Who You Choose
Be mindful of who you follow. The internet is full of gurus promising quick fixes, but you need to do your research. Evaluate the authenticity of what’s being offered and ask: Does this align with your goals and values?
Takeaway: The right guidance is critical.
1:1 – It’s About What You Exchange
Feedback fuels progress. Even with the right course or mentor, growth happens through feedback. Surround yourself with people who provide real-time insights and constructive criticism. Engage with a community to refine your approach.
Takeaway: Growth is a two-way exchange—seek continuous feedback.
That’s it
Quit rushing into courses.
Do the work first.
– Jagadesh